Go inward and get insight with this personal cacao ritual

Go inward and get insight with this personal cacao ritual

Cacao rituals have ancient roots, particularly in indigenous Mesoamerican cultures, where cacao is considered a sacred plant. The theobromine content in cacao is believed to have mild psychoactive effects, promoting a sense of well-being. It stimulates the cardiac system, whereas caffeine stimulates the nervous system. Replace your afternoon coffee habit with cacao for better sleep and a sacred daily ritual for self care.

Cacao rituals have ancient roots, particularly in indigenous Mesoamerican cultures, where cacao is considered a sacred plant.

I was first exposed to a cacao ceremony during a yoga retreat. Our beautiful facilitator served nourishing cacao, sang songs, performed quiet, rhythmic drumming and guided us into a calm meditative state for inward reflection. 

At home, I enjoy afternoon breaks for self reflection and meditation with cacao in place of coffee. My favorite cacao is Ora Cacao's oaxacan spice, an inspired blend of cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and cayenne.

The theobromine content in cacao is believed to have mild psychoactive effects, promoting a sense of well-being. It stimulates the cardiac system, whereas caffeine stimulates the nervous system.

H O M E  C A C A O  R I T U A L

Prepare your space

Create a cozy space with your favorite pillows, blankets, or sacred accents. Put on a relaxing playlist. Here’s a Spotify playlist I use for my cacao rituals.

Prepare the cacao

The cacao comes in small chocolate disks. Simply add 10-20 discs to a cup and stir in hot water or milk. I like to add a small teaspoon of honey or sugar. 


Settle into a comfortable seated space. Begin your ritual with a few calming breaths. Slowly sip your cacao. The act of consuming the cacao is seen as a way to connect with the spirit of the plant and to open the heart.

Affirmation to receive
I am open to receiving love, joy, and abundance into my life. I trust in the wisdom of my heart and allow it to guide me towards fulfillment and growth

Closing the ritual
After consuming the cacao, spend a few more minutes in silent reflection. This is a time for self-discovery, introspection, and connecting with any intentions you are currently contemplating. 

Close your ritual in gratitude for the earth medicine cacao gives to your mind, body, and spirit. Move on with your day with a deeper sense inner peace and clarity.


Shelby, Elements Founder 

See all articles in Welcome to the ritual renaissance.


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