Get a creativity boost with this tea ritual for balancing the sacral chakra
Traveling up our spine, located just below the naval is our second chakra. This is known as sacral charka which in sanskrit means Svadhisthana.
The sacral chakra is orange and associated with creativity, sensuality, fluidity and emotions. It is associated with the element of water.
To bring more balance to the sacral chakra, use stones such as Moonstone, orange calcite, carnelian. Herbs associated with the sacral chakra include orange peels, ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, and fennel.
Feeling a creative block or lacking in passion? Here is a simple tea ritual for bringing the sacral chakra into balance.
1. Pour yourself a steaming cup of fennel, orange, or cinnamon tea. We recommended adding the Elements Citrus Wheel infusion.
2. Find a comfortable seated position on a blanket or bolster. Set your intention for this ritual practice. It could be “I embrance and nurture my creativity, passion, and emotional well-being.”
3. Take a few slow deep breaths, allowing your abdomen to expand. Feel the air and energy reaching your sacral area below the naval.
4. Visualize a warm, orange glow filling your entire pelvic region with vibrant energy. Envision a flowing river of creativity and passion within your sacral chakra.
5. Repeat the mantra “I am creative. I embrace pleasure and joy in my life.” If you feel like being active, engage in the sacral chakra yoga sequence, moving through each with five deep breaths.
6. Close your practice with gratitude for the unique creativity and passion flowing through you.