The Snow Full Moon: Negative Emotion Release Ritual

The Snow Full Moon: Negative Emotion Release Ritual

For today’s Snow Full Moon, we are releasing negative emotions in this simple cleansing ritual. 

Materials needed:

  • Candle
  • Piece of paper and pen
  • Fireproof dish or container
  • A quiet and comfortable space

Here are the steps:

Prepare your Ritual Space: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Light a candle to create a calming atmosphere.

Reflection: Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Reflect on the specific negative emotions you want to release. Write them down on the piece of paper, acknowledging their presence.

Intentions: Close your eyes and set your intentions. State aloud or in your mind that you are ready to let go of these negative emotions and make space for positivity and healing.

Symbolic Burning: Carefully light the piece of paper with the negative emotions on it using the candle flame. As it burns, visualize the negative emotions transforming into smoke and dissipating into the air. Be cautious and use a fireproof dish to catch the ashes. 

Affirmation: While the paper burns, repeat a positive affirmation or mantra. For example, "I release what no longer serves me. I am free from these negative emotions, and I welcome positivity and peace into my life."

ClosingOnce the paper has completely burned, sit quietly for a few moments, absorbing the sense of release and renewal. Blow out the candle, signifying the end of the ritual.

Gratitude: Express gratitude for the opportunity to release these negative emotions. Consider keeping a gratitude journal to note positive experiences and emotions that arise in the days following the ritual.

Remember, rituals are always personal, and you can modify this one to better suit your preferences and beliefs. Always prioritize safety, especially when working with fire, and be mindful of your surroundings. 

See all articles in Welcome to the ritual renaissance.


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